Using Google Slides to Represent the Water Cycle

Grade: 4th grade

Subject: Science

Topic: Water Cycle

Description: Students will learn about the water cycle.  Then they will use Google Slides in order to create a  diagram and description of what they have learned.

Science TEK: 4.8B describe and illustrate the continuous movement of water above and on the surface of Earth through the water cycle and explain the role of the Sun as a major source of energy in this process

Technology TEK: (2) Communication and collaboration (A)  draft, edit, and publish products in different media individually and collaboratively; (B)  use font attributes, color, white space, and graphics to ensure that products are appropriate for multiple communication media, including monitor display, web, and print; Creativity and innovation (A)  create original products using a variety of resources;

4Cs: Creativity, Collaboration


Device Type: Laptop, Chromebook, IPAD

Click here for suggested app pairings