Using Padlet to respond to poetry

Grade: 3rd grade

Subject: Language Arts


Description: Teacher creates a padlet including a poem that students will need to read.  Then students will respond on padlet their thoughts or answer to a teacher given question.

LA TEK: 3.6 (A) describe the characteristics of various forms of poetry and how they create imagery (e.g., narrative poetry, lyrical poetry, humorous poetry, free verse); 3.8 (A) sequence and summarize the plot’s main events and explain their influence on future events; (B) describe the interaction of characters including their relationships and the changes they undergo; (C) identify whether the narrator or speaker of a story is first or third person.

Technology TEK: (2)Communication and collaboration(C)  collaborate effectively through personal learning communities and social environments; (D)  select and use appropriate collaboration tools;

4Cs: Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Communication

Resources: , Wall Wisher Instructions, Sample

Device Type: Laptop, Chromebook, IPAD

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