Writing Labels Within an Illustration

Grade: Kindergarten

Subject: English Language Arts

Topic: Writing Labels Within an Illustration

Description:  In this lesson, students will practice using labels to communicate with the reader as to what is in their picture.

TEKS: K.18 Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling. Students spell correctly. Students are expected to: (A)  use phonological knowledge to match sounds to letters; (B)  use letter-sound correspondences to spell consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words (e.g., “cut”);

Technology TEKS: (1)  Creativity and innovation. The student uses creative thinking and innovative processes to construct knowledge and develop digital products. The student is expected to: (A)  apply prior knowledge to develop new ideas, products, and processes; (D)  create and execute steps to accomplish a task; and (2)  Communication and collaboration. The student collaborates and communicates both locally and globally using digital tools and resources to reinforce and promote learning. The student is expected to: (C)  format digital information, color, white space, and graphics, for a defined audience and

4Cs: Communication, critical thinking, creativity

Resources: Lesson Link,

Device Type: Tablet, Interactive whiteboard, document camera, iPad, Chromebook

Suggested Apps: Google Drawing, Photos (iPad), Google Docs/Slides (can draw on iPad or Chromebook), Interactive Whiteboard Software