Introduction to Inquiry and Science

Grade: 4th

Subject: Science

Topic: Introduction to Inquiry & Science

Description: Students will complete an experiment using 4 gumballs and a dish of water.

The teacher will get a square dish, place the 4 different colored gumballs in the 4 corners. Teacher will pour about 2-3cm height of water into the dish (so that it covers about half of the gumball height).

See Photos of Experiment

The teacher will be talking about the different equipment, materials and safety equipment that will be used as they come up (ex. goggles, aprons, etc). Partners might brainstorm a list of noticings and wonderings about what will happen with the properties of the 4 gumballs. Students should make predictions about the changes of physical properties of the gumballs. Students should tap into their prior knowledge about what happens to a gumball when they chew it (ex, color changes, taste changes).

Students will use their devices to take pictures of the different stages and to write observations in their Online Interactive Science Journal page 1 (have students make a copy of the page using google classroom and insert it into their personal file).

Students will use Writing In Science Prompts for their conclusion: “At first I thought…, but now I think…”

Science TEK: 4.5ABC Physical properties of matter

Technology TEK: 3B Information Fluency – Acquire and evaluate digital content. 4B Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making – Collect, analyze and represent data using digital tools and resources.

4Cs: Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking

Resources: Templates and Pictures

Device Type:  Camera and laptop or Chromebook, or iPad

Suggested Apps: Camera, Google Slides