Organisms & Environments

Grade: Kindergarten

Subject: Science

Topic: Organisms & Environments

Science TEK:  K9.B Examine evidence that living organisms have basic needs such as food, water, and shelter for animals and air, water, nutrients, sunlight, and space for plants.

Technology TEK: (3) Research and information fluency. The student acquires and evaluates digital content. The student is expected to: (B) use research skills to build a knowledge base regarding a topic, task, or assignment

4Cs: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication

Description:  Students will share their learning about the relationship between animals and their environment and what is necessary for survival. The students can design a mural illustrating various animals in their habitats and then video record themselves explaining the connections and dependencies they’ve discovered about their animal. The videos are linked to QR codes, which are scannable by mobile device.

Device Type:  Chromebook, iPad

Suggested Apps: Camera App (iPad), QR Code Extension (Chromebook)