Grade: First
Subject: English/ Language Arts
Topic: Describing Characters in a Story & Reasons for Actions/Feelings
Description: Students will demonstrate understanding of character’s feelings by taking a picture of themselves or a character from the book they are reading. Using an application of your choice (see examples below) Students will then describe how the character is feeling and why they are feeling that way through written or recorded explanation.
TEKS: 1.9B Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to: describe characters in a story and the reasons for their actions and feelings
Technology TEKS: 1. Creativity & Innovation. (A) apply prior knowledge to develop new ideas, products, and processes; (B) create original products using a variety of resources; (D) create and execute steps to accomplish a task; 2. Communication & Collaboration. The student collaborates and communicates both locally and globally using digital tools and resources to reinforce and promote learning. (C) format digital information, including font attributes, color, white space, graphics, and animation, for a defined audience and communication medium;
4Cs: Creativity, Communication
Resources: Lesson Plan, Chatterpix example
Device Type: iPad
Suggested apps: Chatterpix Kids