Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater Treatment – Wastewater and Wastewater Treatment lessons from ‘Waters to the Sea: Guadalupe River’. Total time – 50 Min

. Warm-up Questions: Input pictures on the shared slides from Journey of a Raindrop lesson (done the day before). Discuss pollution found at home and solution to reduce the pollution. (Input time – 3 min. Pair share – 2 min)

Intro – 15 min: Class discussion about the pre-reading done for homework prior to class. (What Is Wastewater, And Why Test It). Discuss why we treat wastewater, how wastewater treatment compares to the drinking water treatment systems, and how treating wastewater benefits the environment.

Lesson – 20 min: Using the website watch the ‘Waters to the Sea Guadalupe River Activity’ video. Then click ‘Site Map’, then, ‘Wastewater Treatment’ under the title ‘Upper Guadalupe’. Watch the wastewater treatment video (approx 1.25 min). Students will then be led on a virtual tour of a wastewater treatment plant. They will label parts of the Wastewater Treatment Process on a diagram given to them electronically.

Group discussion (5 min): Students will answer the Discussion Questions from Waters to the Sea: Guadalupe River Teacher’s Guide. Post the questions on Google Classroom.

Exit Ticket (5 min): What is an improvement you think can be made in order to make wastewater treatment more environmentally friendly? (Have them add this to a shared form for their class period.) Objective: TSWBAT explain the wastewater treatment process, by using the pre-reading, watching the clips, discussing with scientific vocabulary, and labeling the wastewater treatment process.

Content TEKS: Science TEK 7.8C – model the effects of human activity on groundwater and surface water in a watershed

Technology TEKS: 4C – Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. The student makes informed decisions by applying critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. The student is expected to: collect and analyze data to identify solutions and make informed decisions.

Device: PC, Personal camera

Resources: waterstothesea.com/guadalupe/