Grade: 6th
Subject: Science
Topic: Learn about the rock cycle
Description: Need: one iPad per student; free iPad app “The Rock Cycle” by Base 12 Innovations; “The Rock Cycle” answer sheet . Start the app on a display projector or big TV, so that students see that on some pages you need to shake the iPad and on some you need to press “next” to go forward. Go through the first couple of “pages” of the app together, answering the the first question on “The Rock Cycle” answer sheet together. Each student can then finish the answer sheet on their own while the teacher and librarian/ITS circulate.
Science TEKS: 112.18 (b) (10) Earth and space. The student understands the structure of Earth, the rock cycle, and plate tectonics.
Technology TEKS: (3) Research and information fluency. The student acquires, analyzes, and manages content from digital resources (D) process data and communicate results. (6) Technology operations and concepts. The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operation (D) understand and use software applications, including selecting and using software for a defined task;
4Cs: Critical Thinking, Communication
Resources: rock cycle ipad response sheet-18zythe
Device Type: iPad