Creating a Poetry Anthology

Grade: 4th Grade

Subject: Language Arts

Topic: Poetry

Description: Students will use storybird to create a poetry anthology.  They are short, art-inspired stories that you can print, watch on screen, or share online.  Teachers can add on different requirements to student anthologies.

LA TEK: 4.16 (B) write poems that convey sensory details using the conventions of poetry (e.g., rhyme, meter, patterns of verse)

Technology TEK: (2)Communication and collaboration(C)  collaborate effectively through personal learning communities and social environments; (D)  select and use appropriate collaboration tools;

4Cs: Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Communication, Creativity

Resources: A Storybird about Creating StoryBirds, Create a Storybird-Handout,

Device Type: Laptops, Chromebooks, IPADS

Click here for suggested app pairings