Grade: 4
Subject: ELA
Topic: Interest Inventory for Readers to Launch Reading Workshop
Description: Get to know your students and his/her Reading Interests via Google Form.
TEKS: 4.19 Write persuasive essays for appropriate audiences that establish a position and use supporting details. Figure 19 Reading/Comprehension Skills. Students use a flexible range of meta-cognitive reading skills in both assigned and independent reading to understand an author’s message. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts as they become self-directed, critical readers.
Tech TEKS 1.A The student is expected to create original products using a variety of resources 4.B The student is expected to collect, analyze, and represent data to solve problems using tools such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphic organizers, charts, multimedia, simulations, models, and programming languages
4 C’s: Communicate
Resources: Interest Inventory
Lesson: At the beginning of the year, get to know your students through their favorite books, or types of books, to read. This is a fun way to launch reading workshop! Share a Google Form with your student’s so that you can get to know your students as readers. Form entries (see link in Lesson Procedures for a Form to copy) may include: student name, favorite author, favorite novel, favorite series, topics you enjoying reading about, etc.
Device Type: iPad, Chromebook, Laptop, Samsung Tablet
Suggested Apps: Google Forms