Grade: 4th
Subject: Language Arts
Topic: Blogging for Independent Reading
Description: Students can create blog entries as they read independently in order to produce evidence of their reading. By using a blog, students are writing for an authentic audience and are using real world writing tools. If comments are enabled on the blog, students can also comment on each other’s work and begin to have discussions about the book if they’ve read it as well. Students can use Google Sites or a Google Doc embedded on the teacher’s Google Site.
LA TEKS: 4.9 Students are expected to read independently for a sustained period of time and summarize or paraphrase what the reading was about, maintaining meaning and logical order.
Technology TEKS: (1) Creativity and Innovation. (A) create original products using a variety of resources; (2) Communication and Collaboration. (A) draft, edit, and publish products in different media individually and collaboratively; (C) collaborate effectively through personal learning communities and social environments.
4Cs: Communication, Collaboration
Device Type: Laptop, Chromebook, iPad