Grade: 4
Subject: ELA
Topic: Using Context Clues for Vocabulary
Description: Using context clues to find the meaning of words using technology vocabulary.
4.2 Reading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing. Students are expected to: (B) use the context of the sentence (e.g., in-sentence example or definition) to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words or multiple meaning words
5. Digital citizenship. The student practices safe, responsible, legal, and ethical behavior while using digital tools and resources. The student is expected to: (A) adhere to acceptable use policies reflecting positive social behavior in the digital environment; (B) respect the intellectual property of others; (C) abide by copyright law and the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia; (D) protect and honor the individual privacy of oneself and others; (E) follow the rules of digital etiquette; (F) practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology; and (G) comply with fair use guidelines and digital safety rules.
4 C’s: Creativity, Critical Thinking
Resources: Use the Acceptable Use Policy presentation, Acceptable Use Policy vocabulary list, Google Slides Cartoon How To, Example, See below:
Devices: iPad, Chromebook, Laptop, Samsung Tablet
Suggested Apps: Google Slides, Google Drawing
Lesson Procedures:
Vocabulary Words: acceptable, supervision, browse, URL, resources, copyright
- To integrate technology lessons with ELA, students will use context clues from the Acceptable Use Prezi to learn vocabulary.
- Share Acceptable Use Policy link with students using Google Classroom or as an email. Explain to students that they are going to work in groups to create a Google Slides cartoon to demonstrate their knowledge.
- Show students the vocabulary list and ask if they have any background knowledge about them. Have students share out with a partner or group. Watch the video with students, asking them to be aware of the vocabulary words.
- Let students know they have the list and the Prezi shared with them and they will use those two resources to create a Google Slides cartoon with group. The cartoon must include, picture representing vocabulary work, definition, and what context clues they used from Prezi to help them define word.