Unit 1 Setting Up Writer’s Notebook

Grade: 4

Subject: Writing

Topic: Unit 1 Setting Up Writer’s Notebook

DescriptionStudents will create quick lists and small moments on a Google Document.  This lesson will help students who want to do their writing on their computer writer’s notebook as an option to their writer’s notebook (composition notebook).  If needed, students may print this work and glue it in their writer’s notebook.

TEKS4.15 Writing/Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. Students are expected to: (A) plan a first draft by selecting a genre appropriate for conveying the intended meaning to an audience and generating ideas through a range of strategies (e.g., brainstorming, graphic organizers, logs, journals)4.17 Writing. Students write about their own experiences. Students are expected to: (A)  write about important personal experiences.

TA TEKS:(6)  Technology operations and concepts. The student demonstrates knowledge and appropriate use of technology systems, concepts, and operations. The student is expected to: (A)  demonstrate an understanding of technology concepts, including terminology for the use of operating systems, network systems, virtual systems, and learning systems appropriate for Grades 3-5 learning; (E)  use proper touch keyboarding techniques and ergonomic strategies such as correct hand and body positions and smooth and rhythmic keystrokes.

4 C’s: Communication

Resources: How to Create a Bookmark in a Google Doc 

Devices: iPad, Chromebook, Laptop, Samsung Tablet

Suggested Apps: Google Docs

Lesson Below:
Session 1:

1. The teacher will have students create a Writing Folder in their Google Drive. Then they will create a Google document titled “Quick List and Small Moments”.

2. The teacher will have students think about important people, places, and things in their life.  Have students turn and talk or share with shoulder partner the ideas they have.

3. Students will create a list on the Google document. (Eventually the list will be links that take the student to a separate page where they will list small moments with each one.)

Say: Today’s focus will be on Important People to Me. Think about people who are important to you: parents, siblings, coaches, friends, etc.

The teacher will model creating a list of important people in her/his life. Create a bulleted list of 3 to 4 people.


 4. Now let’s choose one of these people that you think you would like to write about at this time. Think about some moments in time that you have had with that person.  I am going to choose my dad)    as my person. When I think about _(my dad)__ ,I think about the time we went fishing and caught a snake, when we went riding on a rollerskater and got so sick all over my poor dad, etc.  (example) 

5. The teacher will then show how she bookmarked dad’s name and created her small moment list for dad.  She will then give students time to brainstorm small moments on their chosen person.   

6. Students will then create their bookmark and start their small moment list. If time permits, have students create small moment lists for other people on their list.

Session 2 and/or 3 will be the same but focusing on Important Place and then Important Objects/Things to Me.