Historical Figures

Grade: 2nd

Subject: Social Studies

Topic: Historical Figures

Description: Students will participate in a Learning Around the World virtual field trip about Abe Lincoln, visiting his boyhood home in Indiana and the two places he called home as an adult, New Salem and Springfield, Illinois, and discuss and investigate the lesser known part of Lincoln’s life. Classes submit questions on Twitter that will be answered on live feed, listen to interviews from experts, collaborate with other students from around the world, and test their knowledge using Kahoot.

Social Studies TEK: 2.1A  Explain the significance of various community, state, and national celebrations.  2.4A  Identify contributions of historical figures who have influenced the community, state, and nation.

Technology TEK:  2A Communication & Collaboration – Use communication tools that allow for anywhere, anytime access to interact, collaborate with peers locally and globally. 2B Communication & Collaboration – Participate in digital environments to develop cultural understanding by interacting with learners of multiple cultures.

4Cs: Collaboration, Communication

Resources:  Learn Around the World website: Young Lincoln Before He Was President

Device Types: Laptop, Chromebook, iPad

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